폰갭 블로그

스마트폰 산업의 빠른 발전 만큼 PhoneGap의 버젼 업은 빠른편이다.

'기존 버젼의 버그를 수정했고, 기능이 추가됐습니다.' 와우~

하고 그냥 사용하지 않을 것이라 판단된다.

0.9.X 버젼을 이용했을 때 상위 버젼을 사용하는 것이 확실히 좋았던 것 같다.

1.X대로 버젼이 올라가면서 이전 버젼에서 픽스된 버그가 다시 돌아오거나, 그런 문제로

콘텐츠에서 우회방법으로 폰갭의 버그를 우회할 것인지, 버젼을 올리지 말 것인지에 대해

고민을 많이 했었다.

PhoneGap은 여러가지 플랫폼을 거의 한방에 해결해 주지만, 어떤 버젼을 적용할지에 대해서는

충분한 테스트가 필요하다.

웹 서비스에서 서버나 프레임 웍을 사용할때 최신버젼보다 한단계 낮은 버젼을 이용해 서비스를 하는 것은

새버젼과 새기능을 몰라서가 아니라 안정성이 중요하기 때문이다.


  • fixing whitelist handling
    Change API to postMessage() to call a plugin’s onMessage() method.
    Optimize enumerations as suggested by @plowman.
    Fix CB-135 Multithreaded access on CallbackServer javascript object.
    Added license header to new files.
    Remove unused files/classes until they are needed.
    Work-around Feature for Classic PhoneGap 320×480 resolution
    Fixing scale, setting legacy scale
    Removing GapView, since it doesn’t actually do anything
    Moving LinearLayoutSoftKeyboardDetect out into its own class and making it more plugin-like
    Editing a comment about LinearLayoutSoftKeyboardDetect
    Changing to use JS directly. There are issues with this approach, and it should use the KeyboardHandler
    Moved Chrome Client out of DroidGap.java
    Moving the WebViewClient out, allowing for PhoneGap to not break on empty console.log
    Removing the classic render feature, since it’s not working properly
    README.md: Replace “PhoneGap” with “Cordova” and add incubation disclaimer
    Minor incubation disclaimer fix.
    Add compass demo for Android
    Added authentication framework
    Renamed crdentials/principals to userName/password
    Documentation additions
    Changed createCaptureFile to explicitly check for PNG and to throw an IllegalArgumentException if it is not a JPEG nor a PNG
    Adding JUnit dependency
    Reading preferences from phonegap.xml
    Using preference=fullscreen for fullscreen view
    Making preference reading code more robust
    Fix for issue #281 of phonegap/phonegap-android: Detect for localStorage if Java has disabled it
    Fix for Issue #33: onReceivedError incorrectly sets openExternal to true
    Fix NullPointerException in DroidGap.onMeasure()
    Fixing issue with FileTransfer.upload when the passed in url contains a ?
    Proved generating sqlite database path to open database without permission error
    Camera default destination should be FILE_URI
    CB-145: Android contact.save() crashes for native contacts.
    CB-199: FileTransfer.download fails on Android 4.0
    Allow internal SD Card to be used as storage
    Fixing a timing issue with the web view history not being cleared properly
    Updating version to 1.4.0rc1
    Updating version to 1.4.0 


  • #124: Adding Battery events to the PlayBook.
    #153: Default for camera destination type changed from DATA_URL to FILE_URI.
    #CB-122: native JSON writer class needs expandable char buffer
    Fixing playbook plugin manager 


  • Fixed CB-143 – Removing address from iOS contact causes crash
    Fixed CB-153 – Camera default destination should be FILE_URI
    Fixed CB-7 – Update source headers to apache license
    Fixed CB-42 – MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction can now be set to NO
    Added stand-alone PGViewController (Cleaver – PhoneGap as a Component)
    Fixed iOS 5 quirks with presenting/dismissing modal viewcontrollers.
    Added ‘How to Use PhoneGap as a Component’ doc to the .dmg (as a PDF)
    Added ‘PhoneGap Upgrade Guide’ doc to the .dmg (as a PDF)
    Added for legacy support of deprecated PhoneGapDelegate – in core plugins.
    Removed PhoneGapLibTest project and folder
    Updated the app icons, splash-screens, and template icons for the Xcode template to Cordova ones.
    Added Battery core plugin to PhoneGap.plist
    Fixed CB-212 – iOS orientation switch broken in 1.4.0

Windows Phone

  • Acceleromter fix #CB-141 – InvariantCulture
    Changed default destination to FILE_URI
    Contacts returned from find were not formatted. CB-157
    Audio playback issue CB-142
    Redirect issue trackers to apache
    Wrong slash :: CB-184
    Removed unnecessary navigation blocking for # CB-185
    Added js Connection.CELL for generic cellular connection.
    Fix for single document – multipage layouts
    Added VERSION file to be like other platforms.
    Fixes for loading local XHR using file API, and still using default for remote XHR. responseXML returns document for local files.
    updated phonegap.js to include XHR updates
    Compass API fixes
    1.4.0 version changes 
Posted by Zephyros74